Swap of Lean Management Token (LEAN) to Leancoin (LEAN) through online form (April 2023+)
The exchange parity of Lean Management Token to Leancoin has been set at 1:500. This means that for 1 Lean Management Token, 500 Leancoins will be given. Lean Management Token is a token on the ETH network (erc20). Leancoin is a token on the Solana network (spl). The online form will be available for a swap without a time limit. The swap process from Lean Management Token (LEAN) to Leancoin (LEAN) proceeds via the Leancoin.io website:
Fill out the form which has 4 fields:
Your e-mail Please provide your e-mail which we will use to contact you to finalize the swap process.
The number of Lean Management Tokens you want to send to the swap process Please indicate the number of Lean Management Tokens you intend to convert to Leancoin. Try to account for transaction costs if you are withdrawing Lean Management Tokens from an exchange or an external wallet.
The address of your ETH wallet from which you will execute the transfer or name of an external platform where You store Your Lean Management Tokens (Student Coin, DigiFinex, DexTrade, etc.) Please provide the ETH blockchain address from which the tokens will be sent, or state if the transfer is from an external wallet (e.g., Student Coin, DigiFinex)
The address of your Solana wallet where you want us to send Leancoin Please provide your Solana blockchain address where we will send your Leancoin tokens.
See more details about Leancoin on the Leancoin White Paper:
Last updated